We all have our favorite pages in QuikStrike, and we want our users to be able to navigate between them quickly and efficiently. The recent creation of Menu Shortcuts provides our users with a simple interface to organize their “favorites”.


We have moved the Star to the left hand side of the main menu. By clicking on the Star, users can create their own custom shortcut link to the current page. Once created, you can name the shortcut whatever you’d like or use the default provided by QuikStrike. To access your shortcut menu, click the Dropdown icon next to Star to reveal your new, custom menu.


Clicking the pencil on the top right of the menu will allow users to edit the items within the drop down (be sure to click on the item to start editing). Users can create their own custom sections, drag existing shortcuts back and forth between sections and rename or delete shortcuts or section names as necessary.

Edit Menu Shortcuts image

If you haven’t taken advantage of favorites in the past, please give the new Menu Shortcuts functionality a try. It’s easy to use!

Let us know how you feel about the recent change. You can always send feedback, about this feature or any other, by sending us an email at [email protected].