Our last blog post broke down the Strike Detail Sheet in QuikStrike. But as we mentioned in the post, there is another way to access all the information on the page. Clicking on (almost) any strike price in QuikStrike launches the Strike Detail popup:

QuikStrike Strike Detail popup


As you can see in the image above, the popup includes:

  • Strike Detail
    • Selected strike price is anchor strike for all trade types on the chart
    • Has the same functionality as Strike Detail Sheet minus Analysis Bar
  • Vol History
    • Volatility and Future Price of selected strike price on a specific date (going back as far as 12 months)
  • ATM Vol History
    • ATM Volatility and Future Price of ATM strike on a specific date (going back as far as 12 months)
  • Volume & OI
    • Trade Volume and Open Interest for calls and puts for selected strike price (going back as far as 12 months)
  • Vol Chart
    • Current and Settlement Vol Chart for selected expiration
  • Pricing Sheets
    • Standard Pricing Sheet and Straddle Sheet for selected expiration
  • Futures
    • Future Price vs. Time graph for the selected expiration’s underlying at a specific time
      • Some months go to underlying futures that are not the same as their expiration month
      • Trade Volume and Open Interest will be shown in the same view when selecting a history of at least 1 Week

Launch this popup from (almost) any page in QuikStrike. Don’t forget to hover over the graphs and charts in each tab of the popup to view specific information.

The Strike Detail popup allows users to access information about a particular strike price, expiration or future price without navigating from their current page. Please let us know if there is anything you would like to see us add to this popup, or any of our other popups within QuikStrike. Feel free to add a comment below, shoot us an email ([email protected]) or tweet us.