Got an Idea? Add a Note

Got an Idea? Add a Note

Have you ever been using QuikStrike and wanted to make a quick note or remind yourself to revisit a page at a later date? In our latest build, we have created a new function called “Add a Note” that can be found on the right hand side of the toolbar. Clicking the Add...
Yes, We Have Historical Data

Yes, We Have Historical Data

“Does QuikStrike have historical data?” is one of the most frequently asked questions by our user base and prospective customers. “Yes” is the short answer. And reading further in this blog post will provide you with all the information you need to know about our...
Menu Shortcuts Make Favorites Easier to Access

Menu Shortcuts Make Favorites Easier to Access

We all have our favorite pages in QuikStrike, and we want our users to be able to navigate between them quickly and efficiently. The recent creation of Menu Shortcuts provides our users with a simple interface to organize their “favorites”. We have moved the Star to...
Check Out The Latest Futures Options Roundtable

Check Out The Latest Futures Options Roundtable Are you looking for some light listening to help you through the trading day? We’ve got just what you need! Nick has become a regular on the Futures Options Roundtable presented by The Options Insider. Below is a...