How long has QuikStrike been around?

We have been around a while now. The first version of QuikStrike was released in 2004. Back then, we only covered interest rate options. Since, we have grown to cover all the futures asset classes. We released the FREE version of QuikStrike (Essentials sponsored by the CME Group) back in 2012. You can read a little bit about our history here


Does QuikStrike have Open Interest & Settlement Data?

Yes, the free QuikStrike Essentials version has 5 days of data. The paid subscriptions have 30 days of data. Both versions are updated at the same time each evening – approximately 9pm Chicago time – or when the exchange files become available after that.


What exchanges and products does QuikStrike cover?

We have a variety of exchange data available but our primary source of futures options information is from the CME Group. We cover all liquid and actively traded futures options available on the CME and are regularly adding products as open interest (or general interest) grows. We also cover ICE (Euribor, Sterling) and Eurex (Bund, Bobl, Schatz) interest rate products and are willing to expand the coverage on each of these exchanges as customer demand increases. We are currently reviewing ICE Energy and Softs as possible additions to the platform.


Do you have videos for someone just getting into options on futures?

Yes, here’s a link to a short series of videos our own Nick Howard wrote and that the CME turned into a video series (15 mins). It is designed to teach you a practical way to look at options on futures. There are also a bunch of great videos on the CME website.

Nick’s video:

CME video: 


Does QuikStrike cover single stock or ETF options?
We do not currently or plan to cover equity-based options (except of course for the index future options). There are plenty of resources out there that cover this part of the market, so we focus on our expertise in Options on Futures.


Does QuikStrike have historical volatility data?

Yes, every level of QuikStrike has some form of historical volatility data. Essentials (sponsored for free by the CME and available via their website) and the Professional have the QuikVol (Preview) which has a rolling 30-day window of all the historical data we offer. The Professional + QuikVol subscription increases that window to 1-year.




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